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Someone please let me know if there’s something just like this but for 802.11n networks

ASUS WL-330gE Multi- Functional Wireless AP – (AP, Ethernet Adapter, Gateway, Repeater 4 mode) for under $50.

The ASUS WL-330gE is compact and portable – weighing in at only 2.2 oz and being only 85 mm(L)* 60 mm(W)* 17 mm(H) in size. This petite size makes it easy to carry and implement under any situation and truly makes the ASUS WL-330gE shine. With such portability, it is able to provide wireless access to the Internet easily and without hassle.



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This the way itunes *should* work

Thank you guys so much for making this program!

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This is beyond epic…

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Zynga (Mafia Wars, Farmville facebook apps) reportedly worth 5 BILLION!?

There’s a social media revolution going on, and it’s bigger than most people think. It’s not 1999, it’s closer to 1997, and Zynga is one of the companies leading the revolution. Our $5 billion value represents 75% upside to where the shares are trading today.

Click here to read more

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Drag and drop photos between photo album management websites? Yes you can!

I haven’t checked it out yet but Dropico sounds pretty sweet to me on paper (web paper?).

Via Betanews:

Dropico is a new rich Web application that lets users manage their photo albums from Facebook, Twitter, Picasa, Flickr, Photobucket, Myspace, and Bebo all in one central location with a simple drag and drop interface.

Users pair their accounts from those sites with Dropico, and then they can pull photos off of one site, edit them, and pipe them down to another site quickly and easily. Additionally, users can pull photos from their friends or favorite profiles and move them to other sites. For example, if you follow the Library of Congress’ Flickr stream and you discover something that you really like, you can drag it from the Flickr window over to the Twitter window and post it to your Twitter feed via yfrog, twitgoo, or twitpic.

An account on Dropico comes with a free .mobi email address associated with your login info. With that, you can mail photos to yourself and they’ll show up in your Dropico mobile folder. While it is certainly a handy feature, it is only of limited usefulness since pictures must be sent one by one by devices with email capabilities.

Other devices such as Eye-Fi connected cameras or the Nintendo DSi (which can upload pictures directly to Facebook) cannot take advantage of this feature. It’s just as well though, since their content is received through Dropico’s connection with other sites.

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Interesting read on cable TV alternatives

From the Article (FTA):

I’ve cut my expenses by 33% and have access to anywhere from 55%-70% of the content at my disposal with Comcast, I consider quitting cable easily justified.

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Proof that the USA is by the people and for the people!

Watch them owning each other during the ‘mad vote scramble’

I’m going to have to watch that again to find out what they are voting on (if it goes into that).

These guys are voting to pass laws in Texas? That is rather… interesting…

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Apple’s ipad = more evidence of icontrol imo

Dear Apple,

Why does the ipad allow users to download a little app from the app store called “Netflix”?

Is there any particular reason why this application is not available on the app store for people that are running capable hardware that interface with the same software repository on fully compatible devices (ie: ipods and iphones)?

AT&T pulling your chain again? Do I need to file another complaint to the FCC?

This doesn’t make any sense… The ipad is coming with the option of a $29.99 unlimited data plan with AT&T to utilize both WiFi and 3g wireless internet connectivity and it is still highly portable… so why? How can an App be approved for the iPad but not for other devices? Why is the approval not just for use or distribution in the store as a whole? Shouldn’t it be up to the end user to decide if the app is viable or not as at the end of the day they control what they install, do not install or choose to remove.

Is this another “oh noes they r in our networkz steelin’ our bandwidthz” issue? Heaven forbid people be able to tap into their Netflix accounts and stream full length movie content from their Netflix accounts and queues!!! That would like … make our networks break down and stuff!!!

If you guys think you are going to push people into an ipad from an iphone / ipod you are sorely mistaken. All you are going to do is push people like me into doing business with another company that promotes open platforms and innovation – not one that establishes itself on top of them, slams the door behind them (as soon as they are in a position to) and then forgets about how it got there… All this in the name of artificially driving up profits.

I only have three words for you Apple, API or die.

Why would I purchase a portable computer device in this form factor when there are so many other options available which do so much more and for nearly the same price point?

Why wouldn’t I just purchase a touch screen tablet or slate which does the following while your ipad does not?

– multitasking (running multiple apps at a time)
– Flash animation (viewing adds / videos / web site content) via the web browser (you cannot currently load this content on ANY non OS X based apple device)
– Expansion – NO USB? no USB 3.0? No applications to access files over the network?

No USB means:

– no external media or peripherals (no DVDs / Blurays, HDD / SDD hardrives (no expandable storage))
– no keyboard or external mouse / pointer support
– no expandable wireless output technology will be available (unless invented to use current hardware or via an upgrade)

And no flash / compact card reader? It would make a lot of sense (this also works on other devices) if I could just slam in my digital camera memory card and instantly watch a slide show of the pictures I just took (or was currently storing) on my new fancy pants ipad.

I’ll be shopping around – stay tuned if you want to see what viable alternatives I come up with as well as a break down as to why they are a better / smarter choice =)

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The National Broadband Plan – available for download!

Download the full NBP here!

National broadband goals

* Goal 1: At least 100 million U.S. homes should have affordable access to actual download speeds of at least 100 megabits per second and actual upload speeds of at least 50 megabits per second.

* Goal 2: The United States should lead the world in mobile innovation, with the fastest and most extensive wireless networks of any nation.

* Goal 3: Every American should have affordable access to robust broadband service, and the means and skills to subscribe if they so choose.

* Goal 4: Every community should have affordable access to at least 1 Gbps broadband service to anchor institutions such as schools, hospitals and government buildings.

* Goal 5: To ensure the safety of Americans, every first responder should have access to a nationwide public safety wireless network.

* Goal 6: To ensure that America leads in the clean energy economy, every American should be able to use broadband to track and manage their real-time energy consumption.

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Dig from Windows!

How to set up / install dig on Windows:

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