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Wow – Android app “Locale” has some killer automation features (by proximity)

Link to article here


Available on the Android Market for $9.99, Locale is relatively expensive, but it’s one of the best apps on the Android platform. With Locale, you can program your phone to be aware of its location at all times, and adjust its settings accordingly. For instance, when you get home or arrive at work, Locale can automatically enable Wi-Fi and turn it off again when you leave. It can put your phone on vibrate when you walk into the conference room at work or into your favorite movie theatre. It can block calls from specific people based on your location or the time of day. There are also plugins available that allow other applications to launch or perform specific actions with location or time cues from Locale. With the proper setup, you may never have to manually change your settings again.

Posted in General.

Endless greed… Bailed-Out Banks Awarded $1.6 Billion in Bonuses Amid Financial Crisis

First, read this to become enraged…


“At the time these payments were made, they were ill advised, bad judgment on the part of these companies, but they didn’t violate any statute, they didn’t violate any regulation at the time,” Feinberg told ABC News.

They were “in the face of the public interest, perhaps. But ‘contrary to the public interest’ — a statutory standard — no,” he said. “The taxpayer has a right to be outraged. Who wouldn’t be?”

Feinberg named the banks in a review of pay among the top 25 executives at 419 firms that received government assistance before February 17, 2009. Some of the payments exceeded $10 million, as in the case of one individual

The 17 firms identified in the report include American Express, AIG, Bank of America, Boston Private Financial Holdings, Capital One, CIT, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, M&T Bank, Morgan Stanley, Regions, Suntrust, Bank of NY Mellon, Goldman Sachs, PNC Financial Services Group, US Bancorp, and Wells Fargo.

Video here

Posted in General.

OMG! GOP Senators Move To Block FCC On Net Neutrality

Via Slashdot:

“Seven Republican senators have announced a plan to curb the Obama administration’s push to impose controversial Net neutrality regulations on the Internet.” “The FCC’s rush to take over the Internet is just the latest example of the need for fundamental reform to protect consumers,” says Sen. Jim DeMint, who I’m sure truly only has the consumer’s needs at heart — since his campaign contributions list AT&T in his top five donating organizations.

I’d like to see a panel of morons get in on a debate on this topic. The FCC is taking over the Internet? rofl by giving it to the people instead of business. What a very un-american remark sir.

I’d love to hear them try to argue this stupidity when faced with logic and facts (instead of with lobbyist dollars).


Posted in General.

Hey FCC – read more articles like this to help you understand how important broadband Internet is…

The US will be BURIED by your plan in 10 years in terms of technological innovation. Caught doing nothing but playing catch up because Internet speed and availability is being held up and squabbled over.

India beats the US to this technology?

Get used to it. Plenty of other countries are going to get there first.

Posted in General.

Prospects “bleak” for broadband to millions in US

From Ars

A new report from the Federal Communications Commission about broadband access is sure to ruffle feathers. In fact, it already has. Between 14 million and 24 million Americans still lack access to high speed Internet, “and the immediate prospects for deployment to them are bleak,” declares the agency’s press release. These consumers live in “expensive-to-serve areas with low population density,” noted FCC Chair Julius Genachowski following the study’s release.

The survey highlights “the great broadband successes in the United States, including as many as 290 million Americans who have gained access to broadband over the past decade,” Genachowski acknowledged. But the law calling for the annual assessment “requires more. It requires the agency to reach a conclusion about whether all—not some, not most—Americans are being served in a reasonable and timely fashion.”

I’ve said it before and I’ve said it again.. This FCC excuse about how much this will cost is total bullshit.


Was it expensive to serve analog TV? I don’t think so – so get it done already .. my god.

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FCC appears to be settling on the National Broadband Plan…

EDIT:  –  FCC called out on this one no direct responses.

*sigh* some action is better than no action but it looks like the FCC is not gong to be able to stand it’s ground like I had hoped…

What is the goal they are setting on the new National Broadband Plan?    They want the average American to have access to 4 mbps internet by 2020…    That’s right ..  only 4 mbps with 100 mbps to be available in urban centers.

2020 – that’s 10 YEARS away (article here btw and check out the comments) – the rest of the world will likely have 1 gbps (1,000 mbps or 10 times the speed) by then.  And some will even have it by the end of this year and next year.   Interestingly enough if you’re lucky, Google might have hooked up your community already.   But note, by this proposed FCC logic, wouldn’t this mean joe american’s won’t see it until by 2030?  Thanks Google for preparing us for the future – TODAY!

Posted in General.

Apple’s iOS 4 is an iDisaster…

Gizmodo has an article up with their take on the matter which you can find by clicking here

EDIT 2: Lifehacker has an article up on some potential work arounds (including disabling spot light and downgrading) You can find the article by clicking here

My take?

Well – it took ALL night to almost complete the upgrade from 3.1.3 (On Windows 7) to iOS 4.0 on my iPhone 3G.

First there was the backup.  Now I’m not really sure what they changed in the backup process, but iTunes was already configured to backup when I connected the device which it proceeded to do and do quickly.

However, when I started the upgrade process it wanted to back it up again and apparently in a much more thorough manner as it took several hours and if I took a call in the middle of this process, I had to start it all over…

I got tired waiting and let it run over night.

When I awoke this morning to check on it.   Yep you guessed it!

Posted in Apple, General, Tech.

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Unless you’ve been on a Rock Star drug binge or just refused to leave your parents fucking basement for the last month or so you might have noticed a small snippit on the newstubes about a tiny lil’ problem we’re having in the Gulf of Mexico.

Now, there have been some fuck ups over the course of the years:

“I am not a crook.”
“I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”
“Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.”
“…Spread the wealth around.”

But this latest blunder just might take the cake of all it’s predecors combined.

Posted in General, Political.

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ASUS Officially Announces Their Eee Pad Lineup [ASUS Unveils the Windows 7 Powered Eee Pad EP121 and EP101TC]

UPDATE! Looks like Windows 7 is being dropped for Android

ASUS Officially Announces Their Eee Pad Lineup [ASUS Unveils the Windows 7 Powered Eee Pad EP121 and EP101TC]


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I totally had a thought (regarding Apple’s world domination strategy)…

After reading this (sent to me by my good friend Mr. Gavan Brown begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting):

I had a thought…

Steve Jobs thinks that the future of computer is arrogance – ahem – I mean, he thinks it’s about Apples.   But I disagree, I think it’s about Oranges.

Apple thinks the future of computing is on the “new PC”  which is a hand held Apple device which is powered by the highly regulated App Store.  Doomed to be only as good as the apps that Apple specifically approves (a lengthy process).

Key points of said device?:

It’s portable

Its wireless

Its options are limited by both hardware (no USB or media cards or standardized outputs) and governed software

No Flash

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