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FCC Commish helps approve NBC / Comcast merger then quits and becomes their top lobbyist


Meredith Attwell Baker, one of the two Republican Commissioners at the Federal Communications Commission, plans to step down—and right into a top lobbying job at Comcast-NBC.

The news, reported this afternoon by the Wall Street JournalThe Hill, and Politico, comes after the hugely controversial merger of Comcast and NBC earlier this year. At the time, Baker objected to FCC attempts to impose conditions on the deal and argued that the “complex and significant transaction” could “bring exciting benefits to consumers that outweigh potential harms.”

Four months after approving the massive transaction, Attwell Baker will take a top DC lobbying job for the new Comcast-NBC entity, according to reports

Let’s put a face to the name

Hey Mrs. Baker – how much did you get for your soul?

UPDATE 2: She responds via the Consumerist

UPDATE (video from Daily show):

UPDATE 3:   Wow – Hulu took the video down so here’s a bad audio mirror

Posted in Political, Tech.

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11 Responses

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  1. Julian Rizzo says

    haha… great stuff… I read your blog all the time and totally
    agree with everything you say!

    • admin says

      Thanks Julian! Glad to hear – look forward to seeing you comment
      more frequently =)

  2. Menonymous says

    I fucking hate Meridith Baker!

    • patriot1223 says

      She has a right as an American to choose a profession that she
      wants. It’s called “freedom”, look it up sometime you left leaning

  3. rightytightyleftyloosey says

    She has a right as an American to choose a profession that she
    wants. It’s called “greed”, look it up sometime you left leaning
    idiot. – fixed that for you I don’t think you can find an American
    that isn’t pro freedom. Let me ask you this – do you feel free when
    you travel using the airlines? What will it be sir? A patdown or a

    • patriot1223 says

      I feel free because those systems are in place to protect us from
      terrorists. So yes, I feel very free from terrorism.

      • Mrs Tybox says

        That is a pretty foolish thing to say. Haven’t you ever heard the
        saying “where there is a will there is a way”?

      • rightytightyleftyloosey says

        So you’re feeling to sacrifice freedom for protection? And yet
        still feel free? What do you think the odds are of you being taken
        out by terrorists prior to 9/11 and all these other ‘security’
        measures and compromises in freedom? How many times did it happen?

        • patriot1223 says

          The odds are pretty low, due to organizations like Homeland
          Security, and legislation like the 107-56. Open your eyes people.

  4. Mrs Tybox says

    She is one shady old lady!

Continuing the Discussion

  1. Debunking stupid articles: Part 1 – working with FCC “on the inside” – linked to this post on June 4, 2011

    […] that suggests that the FCC has been corrupted any way – the
    only evidence are the people like Mrs. Baker who are approving
    policy and then jumping ship to work for corporations which they
    helped push […]

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