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Prospects “bleak” for broadband to millions in US

From Ars

A new report from the Federal Communications Commission about broadband access is sure to ruffle feathers. In fact, it already has. Between 14 million and 24 million Americans still lack access to high speed Internet, “and the immediate prospects for deployment to them are bleak,” declares the agency’s press release. These consumers live in “expensive-to-serve areas with low population density,” noted FCC Chair Julius Genachowski following the study’s release.

The survey highlights “the great broadband successes in the United States, including as many as 290 million Americans who have gained access to broadband over the past decade,” Genachowski acknowledged. But the law calling for the annual assessment “requires more. It requires the agency to reach a conclusion about whether all—not some, not most—Americans are being served in a reasonable and timely fashion.”

I’ve said it before and I’ve said it again.. This FCC excuse about how much this will cost is total bullshit.


Was it expensive to serve analog TV? I don’t think so – so get it done already .. my god.

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