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ASUS Officially Announces Their Eee Pad Lineup [ASUS Unveils the Windows 7 Powered Eee Pad EP121 and EP101TC]

UPDATE! Looks like Windows 7 is being dropped for Android

ASUS Officially Announces Their Eee Pad Lineup [ASUS Unveils the Windows 7 Powered Eee Pad EP121 and EP101TC]

Much like the recently debuted WindPad 100 from MSI, ASUS’ Eee Pad is a tablet computer running Microsoft’s Windows 7 operating system. However, there are some pretty hefty differences. First and foremost, the Eee Pad EP121 is said to feature a 12-inch capacitive touchscreen display, and Intel’s Core 2 Duo CULV CPU. There’s no telling what it’s clocked at but considering it’s dual core it’s safe to say it will generate quite a bit more power than the WindPad.

Features FTA:

– Windows 7

–  10-12 inch screens

– Keyboard dock

– 10 hour battery life

– USB + Micro SD inputs

– Intel’s Core 2 Duo CULV CPU

– priced between $399 to $499 USD

– Q1 2011 launch

– front facing webcam

Hey Asus, please contact me if you ever want some insight on a Apple / iPad killer.   You guys should really consider allowing your customers to design (mix and match) hardware  + software + form factor to really maximize your profits.   People (such as myself) could come up with some pretty big winners.

images to drool over until its inevitable release.


Much like the recently debuted WindPad 100 from MSI, ASUS’ Eee Pad is a tablet computer running Microsoft’s Windows 7 operating system. However, there are some pretty hefty differences. First and foremost, the Eee Pad EP121 is said to feature a 12-inch capactivie touchscreen display, and Intel’s Core 2 Duo CULV CPU. There’s no telling what it’s clocked at but considering it’s dual core it’s safe to say it will generate quite a bit more power than the WindPad.

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