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Save Collective!

Southlake Town Square

Southlake Town Square

Collective Supporters, Please Show Your Support

Collective Skateboard Shop in Southlake Town Square, Texas is being forced by Square’s landlord to GET OUT!

After making every attempt at negotiating during this tough economic time and HAVING THE MONEY to stay open, Southlake Town square has chosen to ignore Collective requests, hoping that they would be quiet and just go away.

The only reason we can see for ignoring Collective’s numerous phone calls, emails and letters to the landlord is because a cookie cutter, mega mall chain “skateboard” store is in the wings waiting for Collective and their non-compete agreement to be gone.

On Thursday, May 25th, Collective was told they have 5 days to vacate the premises. The owner has a wife and 2 year old son and does not need to be forced into bankruptcy by the callousness of big business. What has happened to the mom and pop shops that help Americans live their dreams? Small businesses and the entrepreneurial mindset is what made this country strong. Help us spread the word about what is happening to Collective in Southlake. Come by this weekend and support the store and show the Town Square that local business has a home in Southlake!

Do your part and spread the word about what is going on with the Collective Skateboard Shop and the management of South Lake Town Center. Help Save Collective In South Lake Town Center! Contact your local news, your friends, your lawyer, your congress-people!

Please help support local business! Below is the contact info for Southlake Management: Please call/write/email them and let them know YOU want COLLECTIVE to stay in business! They cannot push local business out!

Southlake Townsquare Management Contact info:

1256 Main Street #244
Southlake, Texas 76092
817-329-5566 Fax: 817-310-0773

Manager Tim Moorehead


Cooper & Stebbins
Frank Bliss

Web Sites….

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