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TyBox is just another drop in the sea of blogs on the net.   My goal is to create a site which has content which is presented in a straight forward manner and backed by the appropriate sources.    The content I am aiming to cover will be related to politics, tech / business, music and video games with overlap between these subjects from time to time.  Of course from time to time you may find the odd rant as well.  =)

I also try to index most of the most interesting news sites (and sites that aggregate news) via RSS feeds on the on the right side column.   They are constantly updated throughout the day.

Also please pay close attention especially great site for staying on top of what the Internet is to become and it should help encourage some of you to get more active on these monumental issues of our time (buzz word:  Net Neutrality).

Thanks for visiting and I hope to see you back on the site!

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