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Stop Online Piracy Act = Censorship + A Direct attack on internet freedoms and innovation

Get used to seeing this if Uncle Sam doesn't like the "rogue" aspect of a website

If you haven’t had a chance yet, please read up on the Stop Online Piracy Act and Protect IP acts.   These are bills which are currently being reviewed and have the potential to pass and create a framework for a whole new type of Internet that I frankly do not want to be a part of.    If there’s more people like me out there, this can potentially lead to a huge hit on a booming online retail, recreational and social markets.   While I rather enjoy the convenience of the Internet, I’m not about to make such a sacrifice to get it.

So one cannot help but ask:    Why?   Why are we willing to evaluate legislation that is going to trade freedom of speech and expression for ensuring that those who are already exceeding wealthy can add some extra padding to their bottom lines?

Where’s the win for the average consitutent of the United States?  Or the other residents of the internet who don’t live in the US and will assuredly also be impacted.

Do you think people are going to want to take their brilliant ideas, youth and energy to the United States to cultivate and develop and innovate?   When they are faced with losing it all just because of half assed rushed legistration was passed without any real thought on it’s far reaching impact and due to it’s present form of ambiguity?

There’s a LOT of large and reputable tech companies out there that don’t disagree

Please take the time to contact your local representative and tell them that Lamar Smith’s poorly devised Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is a bill that we simply don’t need or want and it has absolutely NOTHING to offer a single person in the USA.

Here’s a website which will make it even easier for you..

Just fill out the form and they will automatically connect you with the proper office as well as play a recorded message to help you with some key talking points (takes less than 2-5 minutes depending on how long the conversation runs with the person who answers the call)

 EDIT:   They didn’t vote but unfortunately are looking at doing so next Wednesday, December 21st.  Please Spread the word!  There’s still a few days to be heard!

 EDIT 2:   New vote is on January 24th, 2012!  

EDIT 3:  Vote has been cancelled!   And the SOPA bill has been withdrawn!   Victory!  

Please click here to sign the final petition to help kill off the PIPA bill as well!

Posted in General, Non-tech, Political.

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